Heartversary #3

Three years ago today I had a full cabbage/aka quadruple bipass.

My heart has gotten a workout this year,not just from working out! After postponing Christmas due to covid ,(not knowing it would be our last in our family home),Mom came down with a horrible life threatening disease.She was lifeflighted out of Coos Bay ,never to return.This also meant my Dad had to be moved,as he has Alzheimer’s.So while Mom was having multiple surgeries for necrotic fasciatis in Portland,Dad was moved temporarily to my Sisters house.We were all scrambling as this came out of the blue! Dad then moved to memory care,while Mom was in hospice for months.Amazingly,her skin started to heal and she was no longer considered terminal.So another move for her into a rehab facility.

Needless to say emotions ran high for all 4 “kids”.I am so grateful I’m not an only child! Whew! It’s been a lot

Many blessings happened in this process,like reconnecting with various friends and cousins I was keeping informed. We sold the family home to a dear friend we consider family,which made us all happy,especially my parents.And my Mom is still alive,the biggest blessing of all.

What have I been doing to keep my balance during this trying past year?

Lots of yoga,including a yoga retreat In Kauai this December .I had the best emotional release of my life! Many tears were shed,and I left my angst behind on the island.Doing 5 hours of yoga and meditation daily really releases whatever you are holding.I highly recommend doing this for yourself!

Beautiful sunset on my last evening in Kauai

When I got back,the snow machine started up in Sisters.So I’ve been snowshoeing almost every day!

Snowshoeing New Year’s eve with my “pod”

I’m heading into the new year with a new lease on life,knowing I’m living where my heart and soul are most fulfilled



My cute little house and me

4 thoughts on “Heartversary #3

  1. Thanks for the update. I’m so glad your mom recovered. What a year. 5 hours of yoga per day? That’s a lot. I snowshoed two days ago. So fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That was a challenging year for you! I’m so glad that things have settled down again and that you are enjoying the snow. I don’t have a pod, but would like one and that is my goal for this year

    Liked by 1 person

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